Friday, February 10, 2012

Just try to keep me out!

Too many times the argument about the separation of church and state gets a little muddled. Its not about keeping God out of the educational system, its about keeping religion out of it. Because of that our founding Fathers wanted it to be made clear that everyone had the freedom to practice or follow the religious belief they so chose,BUT that there had to be a neutral ground where the many peoples of this country, with their different beliefs could go and receive an equal education.

Our system also allows for churches to start their own schools where there they can teach subjects in a way that they feel best reflects their understanding of a Supreme being.

You can't keep God or Allah, or Jehovah or Creator out of the lives of kids where it already exists. The trick is to allow everyone the right to carrying with them, into schools, their own understanding of it. By doing so and not letting one interpretation dominate over any other then we guarantee  a greater understanding of the world as we know it.and that takes faith. If that's not a Higher Power I don"t know what is!

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