Tuesday, February 21, 2012

African American heroes....

I did this cartoon some years ago. It was and is meant to be a pat on the back to all those men out there That understand the importance of their presence as Father's in their children's lives. We give so much to our children on a daily basis simply by being there though we don't quite realize it's importance at times. Being a steady presence coming in that door at the end of the day. Tired ,but glad to be home, with a hug or a little bit of energy left to listen to an excited child's day, or a tired wife's.  Or maybe its coaching a sports team after school. its the little things.

As I was posting this I realized that there are so many single mom's out there doing double duty as Mother and Father to their children. Maybe Dad has a job far away or is serving our country over sea's. She is not always allowed to  enjoy the luxury of being the nurturing parent when she also has to be the strong one as well.

 For many it all comes down to economics and survival and hoping to have enough of yourself  left for your children at the end of the day.  So this is also for all those African American mothers out there who carry the load all by themselves . I wish to acknowledge your hard work and dedication to your children, community and country because it is the strong and smart child that will take the reins and be the guiding forces when we give them the right tools.

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