Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mad Men Addict or Where have I been??

So, some of you who have been loyally following me have been wondering "Hey what happened to Phil and County Fare?" Well That's me up there. Drink in hand, cigarette, and I don't even smoke ! That's what addiction does to you!

You see, 3 weeks ago my lady friend introduced me to a terrible evil. It was strong, dark, and spell binding. it was delicious and even though I tried to fight it I soon proved too weak. I'm ashamed to admit it dear readers but I'M A MAD MEN ADDICT! I'm not proud of this I want to stop . I sit hour after hour watching episode after episode but I can't seem to get enough

It started innocently enough. Sitting with my Sweetheart on a Sunday afternoon. She offered me an episode to watch. I trusted her, what could one episode hurt. It was mildly enjoyable. Then she asked,"How about another?" "Sure" I said "why not?" Little did I know how its story was affecting me.

All that smoking and drinking, all that womanizing and misogamy, who could resist it I mean come on, I'm a read blooded American male. Who could dream of such a wonderful  time when you could make crass, crude sexual jokes to women or cheating on your wife ( or husband) . It was just a way of American business. Drinking hard liquor at 9 o'clock in the morning, I mean whats not to Love right?

Don gets to sleep with every woman under the sun. Even weaselly Campbell is getting some and lets not forget Peggy. You go girl! I finished The first season in a week . I finished season 2 in a few days. Then I had to have season 3. We searched the internet for free episodes but there were none. If you wanted your Mad Men fix you had to PAY!!!!!!!. What was I going to do ? Where would I go? Blockbuster? Net Flix's?

Then we had an idea, the local Library!  Yes! There they were! Season after season of Mad Men but apparently I wasn't the only one addicted. Copy after copy was checked out until,, there it was season 3! I had to have it and my lady was good enough to get me my fix.

While others did productive work I sat and watched episode after episode, disc after disc. Hour after hour. ignoring all other television, all other activities, even my poor old 85 year old mother. All i cared about was Don, Peggy ,Roger and Betty. Soon I was wearing grey suits and pencil thin ties. I was drink Scotch again and smoking Luck strikes, unfiltered. Yes,yes, more I needed more before Season 5 started I had to see them all! I only have season 4 to watch and soon I'll have that in my shaking hands. M,m,m,m,m, Mad men

I,I Love you.